About Mind Tools

Mind Tools brings psychological concepts into life through practical examples and challenges for you to try.

There is a lot we can learn from psychology, but it can come across as too theoretical, abstract or “fluffy”. In Mind Tools, I will cover:

  1. Theory: The science behind concepts

  2. Examples: Everyday applications for your personal and professional lives

  3. Challenge: A suggestion for how you can immediately practice what you learned.

If you are curious about psychology and would like to learn more about how it can have a positive impact on your life, subscribe to Mind Tools.

About Me

My name is Giulia Bagnasco, I have a bachelor degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Social and Organisational Psychology and a passion for applying psychology to my daily life, both personally and professionally. This passion has only grown stronger while working as a people development professional in financial services firms, making me eager to share it more broadly so that others can also benefit from the same tools and insights.

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Bringing psychological concepts into life through practical examples and challenges for you to try.


MSc Organisational Psychologist | Curious and passionate about how psychology can impact your daily life